Steve’s #MayMomentum Story

An Engineer with ME / CFS Shares his Story

My name is Steve and I’m from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

I’ve had moderate ME / CFS for around 18 months.  I suspect I had a much milder case for much longer. My friends thought I had ME / CFS for years.

When I was well, I loved getting out on my mountain bike with a group of friends or jumping on a plane to explore a new country.  I miss these activities; I miss the friendship that came with them and I miss the self-identity these activities were part of.

Since I became ill, life has become a lot simpler.  I don’t have to worry about the endless possibilities’ life has to offer and whether I could be doing something better. I’ve had the opportunity to take a step back from my busy life and see the big picture. As I can no longer ‘just work harder’ I’m learning how to prioritize and work smarter to achieve the things I want.

I first heard of the OMF when a friend sent me a Youtube link to presentations by Ron Davis and Dr. Robert Phair.  As an Engineer, I was excited to see someone looking at the ME / CFS puzzle in the same way that I would.

I hope we can get a real understanding of what is going on with ME / CFS so we can provide some clear information to sufferers and those who treat them.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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