ME / CFS Stomp for Amelie Hicks

Jordana and Pete Gingrass are running a half marathon in Arvada, Colorado on September 8, 2017 in an effort to raise money, awareness and support for one of their dearest and oldest friends, Amelie Hicks. Amelie suffers with ME / CFS, along with her mother and sister.

Amelie has had to stop working in the career she loved and was thriving, and there are many days where she is too weak and sick to get out of bed. Even simple tasks like cleaning, doing a load of laundry or playing with her two little kids can often be too much for her to physically handle. Due to frequent migraine headaches and brain fog, she’s also limited in what she can do mentally. The Gingrass’ have watched Amelie struggle over the years navigating numerous types of care providers and treatments, starting out with high hopes and ending up only with new ailments along with dismay that nothing seems to help. Amelie has always been loved and admired for her bright spirit, sense of humor and positive attitude – to see this disease come very close at times to zapping her spark has been utterly heartbreaking to her family and friends.

Jordana and Pete are considering this half marathon a stomp, not a run – they want to crush ME / CFS and show their love and support for Amelie and her peers, who so desperately need not only the funding, but the recognition, respect and attention that will help bring an end to this disease. All of the proceeds they raise will go directly to support OMF’s research.

As Jordana said, “Remember, every little bit counts, and if the most you’re able to do is forward, share or re-post this message, please do. We’d like to cast this love-net as far and wide as possible.”  They have created an adorable incentive for their donors including “a collectible piece of art scribbled especially for you by their 3-year-old daughter, Sumaya.”

STOMP ON! Read more and donate.

Philanthropy wins / Community is everything,


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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